The Dark masterminds on the origins of their new Netflix mystery and Season 2 theories

The Dark masterminds on the origins of their new Netflix

The new mystery series 1899 at Netflix throws us into a mystery maelstrom that needs to be deciphered. And who could do that better than with our podcast guests Jantje Friese and Baran bo Odarwho created 1899 alongside the Netflix hit Dark?

1899 explained in the podcast: This is behind the new series from the Dark team

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We will first present the series without spoilers and draw parallels to Dark. Then we ask the mastermind duo Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese about theirs inspirationsthe musical allusions and the hidden core themes of 1899, including the underlying ones scientific theories don’t fall short. They also reveal whether 1899 should only be watched in the original.

Then we dive even deeper explain the ending in detail from 1899 with all its twists and enigmatic characters. Since Season 1 doesn’t answer all questions, we’re also speculating about the future of the series, which (if Netflix renews) on 3 seasons is laid out, opening up an exciting perspective for Season 2.

  • 00:03:41 – What is 1899 on Netflix? (spoiler-free)

  • 00:08:50 – Jantje Friese and Baran bo Odar in the podcast interview (with spoilers)

  • 00:41:41 – Explanations, theories and season 2 outlook (with spoilers)
  • Check out the trailer for the biggest series mystery since Dark here:

    1899 – S01 Trailer (German) HD

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    How did 1899 come to you?
