In Daredevil: Born Again The blind lawyer Matt Murdock Aka Daredevil (Charlie Cox) has returned this week to create again with his old opponent Wilson Fisk aka Kingpin (Vincent d’Unofrio). And that has devastating episode …
At the start of the new Daredevil series, Moviepilot spoke with the directing duo Aaron Moorhead and Justin Benson (The Endless), who staged episodes 1, 8 and 9, i.e. the start and the end, in season 1. They spoke openly about dramatic figure decisions, the joy of planning sequences without cuts and even gave a small outlook on season 2.
“Inevitable”: Daredevil Born Again Director Aaron Moorhead and Justin Benson in an interview
Moviepilot: You have ahead Daredevil: Born Again
already several episodes staged by Moon Knight and Loki. What did you take from it to your third Marvel series?
Aaron Moorhead: At Moon Knight we started to explore our borders what it looks like to work in the MCU. At Loki we had set everything off. So we could go with a lot of Marvel self-awareness in Daredevil. Our independent films [wie Spring – Love is a Monster und Synchronic] We turned ourselves. At Moon Knight and Loki we learned new tricks and kept what we liked the most. So we have a much more developed camera language.
Justin Benson: We have never been prescribed anything. The producers showed us at most a comic panel and say: take a look at this picture for a courageous lighting.
A popular feature of Netflix ‘Daredevil were the great planning sequences without cuts. Daredevil: Born Again Get it back after about 10 minutes. Can you tell about it?
Justin Benson: There are so many masterful sequences in the original Netflix series. The prison fight alone [in Staffel 3]! So we said to ourselves: Let’s try it too! Let’s see what we can do with this tradition. We are very proud of the result.
We had the idea that this interspented scene should stand out at the beginning by taking place on the tracks of fate – from the perspective of an omniscient. This is so suitable because one of the Daredevil features is his spirituality. So the camera was the omniscient spirit. If you arrive at the end of the setting and the base of Matt Murdock’s faith is shaken – then it should feel inevitable by the camera work alone.
One thing is certain: you broke my heart in these first 15 minutes from Daredevil: Born Again …
Aaron Moorhead: It also broke our hearts! It was pretty hard to turn it. Because we saw [Spoiler] In the eyes and talk to him about what it means for him as a person and character. Much of it had a reverberation in us. It hurts. And it should hurt!
Was there an alternative to this figure death at the beginning of Daredevil: Born Again?
Aaron Moorhead: We only came to the series after this decision had been made. So we thought: If so, we want to make sure that it hurts properly; that it pulls waves through the entire series. Not only as a short blow in the face, but as a substructure of the entire season.
And we are afraid [vor den Reaktionen]! It is devastating and real. And fans will be shaken. I don’t know if you will be angry … it is dismaying what happens. But we have the feeling that we have treated it with respect by making it a drastic experience that not only changes Matt Murdock, but everyone.
What was that most radical change,
After you at Daredevil: Born Again after the creative realignment of the 2023 series on board?
Justin Benson: I think we were more aimed at a serialized structure [mit einem größeren Erzählbogen] away.
Aaron Moorhead: We should say that a lot of what was already shot before us is still in the series. It was only wrapped in what we filmed afterwards.
Justin Benson: The first Daredevil comic band, which I read with twelve, was the man without fear * (man with fear) in the mid-90s. We are also both big fans of Frank Miller’s resurrection * (Born Again). We hardly use the action from it because a lot has already been taken up in season 3 of the Netflix series. But everyone in the team wanted to make something as cross -border and sophisticated.
How much time did it have passed in the action time between the end of Daredevil season 3 (2018) and the beginning of Daredevil: Born Again (2025)?
Aaron Moorhead: I think about as much as in reality – six years, we were told. Something like that in the shoot.
Podcast: Is the Daredevil return at Disney+?
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As a filmmaker you often come in your own works. Can we expect that from Daredevil: Born Again?
Aaron Moorhead: I wish there was enough time for that. It is a arithmetic problem to equip us with make-up and a wardrobe. We just managed to sneak in Loki. But that’s right, we should occupy 2 somewhere in season 2. Oh, but I can think of that: you can hear us about a walkie talkie!
The shooting of season 2 of Daredevil: Born Again has recently started. Can you already give a veiled hint in one word, which awaits us in the second season?
Aaron Moorhead: Uh … “resistance.”
Justin Benson: “Unexpected.”
Aaron Moorhead: Uhhh! [beide lachen]
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