Thanks to offensive police work, the tense situation in Uppsala has eased somewhat – on the other hand, problems have increased in Gävleborg county, the police say at a press conference.
Since midsummer, the police in Uppsala have dealt with 15 incidents that can be linked to gang crime and other organized crime. About 30 people are in custody – half of them are under 18 years of age – which can be compared to the previous week when just over 20 people were in custody.
– In Uppsala county, in the last week we have not had a violent act with a fatal outcome, but the danger is far from over, says Christer Birgersson, commanding officer for the police’s special incident due to the wave of violence.
Several large seizures have been made of weapons, explosives and narcotics. Now they work with a clear police presence in vulnerable places, something they will continue with for a longer period.
– The situation has eased a little in Uppsala County. The command has succeeded in its objectives and we have had no casualties or deaths in recent weeks. Unfortunately, we do not have the same picture of the situation in Gävleborg county, says Jale Poljarevius, head of intelligence for the Mitt region.
He says the police are looking forward to the new legislation that comes into effect on October 1st, which gives prosecutors and police the ability to use secret wiretapping without concrete suspicion of a crime.
– This can become an important tool when we try to stop future acts that take human life, says Jale Poljarevius.