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Eggplant broccoli potatoes Dont make this critical mistake you can

Pot dishes, which form an important part of Turkish cuisine, turned out to be healthy as well as delicious. Packaged, fast food meals that make up today’s lifestyle often come to the fore with their harmful effects on health. Meals cooked in a pot, on the other hand, add health to your health when you adjust the oil and salt ratio properly.


The most important reason why home cooking is healthy is that it does not contain additives. However, it is very rich in fiber and pulp. Prepared foods contain fat and carbohydrates instead of fiber and fiber. Home cooking gives a feeling of fullness for a long time and since it does not contain any preservatives, the sodium rate entering the body is normal. If you change your diet from fast food to home food, you will also minimize the risk of heart attack.


The harms of fatty, packaged, additive and fast food meals have been scientifically proven many times over. Increasing the consumption of fast food causes the number of beneficial bacteria to decrease. The content of fast food meals can cause many heart diseases, especially obesity.


It negatively affects both physical and mental health. There is a parallel link between the foods consumed and mental health. It has been scientifically determined that eating chocolate contributes to the secretion of the hormone of happiness and that fast food causes depression.

One of the causes of asthma by experts is seen as fast food consumption. Studies conducted on 500 thousand children have revealed that the risk of asthma is very high in children who consume fast food more than twice a week. Apart from all these;

  • Eczema and allergic skin diseases,
  • slowing of mental activities,
  • It increases the risk of diabetes and weakens insulin resistance.
  • It has been proven that it disrupts the tooth structure and causes rapid decay. (Tgrt News)
