Neither Courtoisneither Neuerneither Maignanneither Keylorneither Donnarummaneither Handanovićneither Allisonneither De Gea… The best goalkeeper in the five major leagues is Stefan Ortega. The goalkeeper of Arminia Bielfeld is the most valuable OlocipArtificial Intelligence company. Ortega, 29, with a Spanish mother and a German father, is a bargain in the next transfer market when his contract ends on June 30. Bayern sounds strong for and has had his name on the agenda for a long time.
This apparent ‘unknown’ to the general public has developed his entire career in Germany. The meta started in the lower categories of the Arminia Bielfeld up to the first team. The 1860 Munich knocked on his door and after three seasons he returned to the club of his life to take it to the Bundesliga until the recently finished season in which they have lost the category.
Ortega is part of the best eleven of the five major leagues (LaLiga, Serie A, Premier League, Bundesliga and Ligue 1) in which he accompanies Vinicius as the only player in LaLiga, while two Spaniards, both in the Premier, are among the best rated by the AI: Laporte and Rodri. The best team of 21/22 leads it Mbappe and is made up of: Ortega (13.9); perisic (14.6), Laporte (14), Thiago Silva (16.8), alexander arnold (14.8); DeBruyne (17.8), nkunku (19.8), rodry (13.7); Vinicius (21.4), Mbappe (24.8) and Are (21.2).

For Olocip, Ortega is worth 13.85 ahead of the Burnley goalkeeper Nick Pope (12.02), Riemann from Bochum (10.97) and Jose Sa of the Wolves (10.45). Bielefeld’s goalkeeper leaves compatriots of the stature of Trappthird in the Bundesliga (8.59) or Neuer, ninth (5.29). If we compare it with the Spanish goalkeepers, the advantage is considerable with Rulligoal with the highest value in LaLiga (8.95), Courtoissixth (6.66), Bondzamora of the competition and 12th (5.76) and two other giants like Ter Stegen (3.74) in 16th place and oblak (0.64) in the 28th.
The goalkeeper born in Hofgeismar (Germany) has a superior record to Premier goalkeepers as Allisonthird in the English competition (8.8), Robert Sanchezeighth (6.54), David Raya11th (4.6), Ederson12th (4.39), guide13th (4.28) and De Gea, 15th (3.75); in Italy bat Maignangoal with the most value in Serie A (9.55), Vicar (8.97), Handanović (7.24) and Ospina (7.07); while in France it rises above Rajkovicbest rated in Ligue 1 (8.58), Benitez (8.4), lafont (8.03), Paul Lopezseventh (4.61), Keylor Navastenth (3.74) and Donnarumma16th (2.3).

Ortegawith a market value for Olocip of 5.2 million euros, he is the best in the Bundesliga in shots on goal received, total passes with the ball in play and defensive value; second in total passes and fifth overall. Despite all his good parameters, the goalkeeper has not been able to avoid Arminia Bielefeld’s relegation to Bundesliga 2 after two years in the top German competition.