The crucial issue of the popular vote – Le dossier de L’Express

The crucial issue of the popular vote Le dossier


Five months before the presidential election, Marine Le Pen and Eric Zemmour monopolize 45% of the voting intentions of the non-abstaining popular categories. The Socialist Party which, in 1988, still won 42% of the workers’ vote, won only 3% of their voting intentions. What could have happened in the space of 30 years? L’Express wanted to look into the reasons for such a collapse and understand what the notion of “popular categories” so recurrent in the discourse of our politicians covers today. “In 30 years, the forklift driver at Amazon has replaced the metalworker at Renault”, examines Jerôme Fourquet for L’Express in an interview that is so essential to understand how much the working classes have changed in recent decades. In our file of the week also, our report in Epinal, with these French people just above the thresholds, who share the feeling of being on the side of “those who pay everything but to whom nothing is given”. And our investigation into these presidential candidates who are winning the votes of the “people”.
