The crisis worsens in Haiti: “Very worrying”

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In February, Haiti declared victory against the cholera epidemic that had ravaged the country for over ten years. But since October, cholera is back – and increasing rapidly.

– Over the weekend we reached 10,000 suspected cases of cholera. We also see it spreading to more regions. It is very worrying, says Ulrika Richardson, the UN’s humanitarian coordinator in Haiti.

Appealing for help

The crisis in the country is exacerbated by the fact that large parts of the capital Port-au-Prince are controlled by armed gangs. The gang has set up roadblocks and prevented doctors from getting to poorer areas to treat the sick.

– In the most vulnerable areas, it is difficult to get relief efforts. But we still succeed with the help of the local organizations we work with.

During last week appealed to Haiti and the United Nations on resources to combat the cholera outbreak. According to the WHO, between 300,000 and 500,000 people are at risk of being affected.

The gang getting stronger

In July last year, the country’s president, Jovenel Moïse, was assassinated. After the murder, the gangs have grown increasingly stronger in the country and are now estimated to control 60 percent of Port-au-Prince.

They often use kidnapping and sexual violence as weapons.

– It is important that we do not lose sight of the profound causes of the problems. Corruption, a judicial system that does not work and a widespread lack of justice. This creates a creates a situation where violence can escalate without any major effects.

Blocked Haiti’s main port

In September, the gangs took over Haiti’s largest port and blocked the entry of fuel into the country for nearly two months. Garbage collection stopped and the country’s water treatment plant stopped working normally, which contributed to cholera taking hold.

Haiti’s government has asked the international community for help. At the request of Secretary-General António Guterres, the UN Security Council is considering sending an international force to restore order.

See more about Haiti in Foreign Office: Haiti’s curse in SVT Play from 8 p.m., or at 10 p.m. in SVT2.
