The crisis expert: “Now Margaux Dietz’s followers can forgive her”

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Crisis and communication expert Heidi Wold comments on the documentary that aired on SVT on Friday, in which the influencer Margaux Dietz makes her apology for the scandal that erupted around her in the fall.

– For her followers, this documentary can make them forgive Margaux, she says in Efter fem.

This has happened

It was earlier this autumn that Margaux Dietz filmed when she discovered that there was a drunk and bloody man outside her door. She and the son laugh and poke the man. The video was posted on her Youtube channel but was quickly removed. Dietz received massive criticism and published an apology on his social media.

Not all convinced

Heidi Wold says that the wider public, however, is not convinced by the new documentary.

– There she does not come across as the most remorseful person, she says.

Hear her analysis of Margaux Dietz’s post-scandal crisis management in the player above.
