The crew abandoned the cargo ship that was hit by the Houthis in the Gulf of Aden | News in brief

Houthi rebels in Yemen attacked a Ukrainian-owned bulk carrier with two missiles.

The cargo ship’s crew abandoned the ship, which was hit by a missile strike by Yemen’s Houthi rebels, in the Gulf of Aden on Sunday.

The Gulf of Aden is a sea area connecting the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea.

Houthi rebels attacked the Ukrainian-owned Verbena bulk carrier with two missiles on Thursday. The Polish crew of the ship tried to put out the fires on the ship for days, but could not get the fires under control.

The ship sent out a distress call, and a nearby cargo ship rescued the crew on board.

Verbena was on her way from Songkhla, Thailand to Venice, Italy, Bloomberg reports.

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels have attacked shipping in the Red Sea since Israel’s Gaza offensive began. Even US and EU military operations have not succeeded in stopping the attacks on merchant ships.
