The crazy rumor after Erik Karlsson’s smash hit – can now go to the NHL competitor: “They should be interested”

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Erik Karlsson has so far had a successful season in the NHL with his San Jose Sharks.
The Swede is at the top of the points league after with his 32 points.
And the success may have opened the way for a move for the hill.

11 goals and 21 assists in 26 games so far this season. It is Erik Karlsson result of the San Jose Sharks. Even though things have been more difficult for the team, you can’t complain about Karlsson’s performances, and with 32 points he is at the top of the NHL’s total scorers.

The successful season

Reasonably, Karlsson has his sights set on breaking his own scoring record from the 2015-2016 season when he picked up 82 points. Among the league’s backs, the 32-year-old leads the scoring league in superior (well) style ahead of another Swede. Rasmus Dahlineveryday in the Buffalo Sabres, is in second place with his 26 points.

The article continues after the picture.


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After Karlsson’s great success at the beginning of the season, the competitors seem to have noticed the scoring machine – and from North America now comes a crazy rumor that should make all San Jose Sharks fans shudder.

Karlsson against club change?

It is the well-respected hockey journalist Elliotte Friedman who writes that league rival Florida Panthers may be interested in signing Erik Karlsson.
“It’s a difficult puzzle to put together, but I think Florida should be interested in Erik Karlsson’s signature. However, I am not sure exactly how it would be implemented,” writes Friedman.

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