the crazy promises of Jordan Bardella – L’Express

the crazy promises of Jordan Bardella – LExpress

On February 25, Jordan Bardella, anthracite suit and horizon blue tie, strolled through the aisles of the Agricultural Show. The day before, Emmanuel Macron’s visit turned into a riot. Throughout France, agricultural anger exploded. The president of the National Rally plays on velvet: “We must change the software for French agriculture. I campaign for economic patriotism and to get out of free trade agreements.” “A promise that does not pass the reality test,” annoys Jean-Luc Demarty, former director general of foreign trade at the European Commission.

These agreements are signed by the European Union. To rebut them, a decision by the European Council would be required by qualified majority, that is to say by 15 member states out of the 27, representing more than 65% of the EU population. However, today, none of the other major agricultural countries – Germany, Poland, Italy or Spain – is in this position. Furthermore, since 2017 and a decision by the European Court of Justice, trade agreements are now under the strict competence of the EU. No need, therefore, for the approval of national parliaments for new treaties. The only agreement potentially in danger: that of Ceta with Canada, signed before the Court’s judgment and which the French Parliament has never ratified.

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“By defending the exit from these agreements, the RN further weakens France’s voice in Brussels and endangers entire sectors of agriculture, which are very export-oriented,” points out Sébastien Jean, professor of economics at Cnam. Incidentally, Jordan Bardella forgets to specify that even within his Identity and Democracy (ID) group in the European Parliament his position is in the minority. Thus, during the vote last November on the free trade treaty with New Zealand, only RN MEPs from the ID group voted against, according to the minutes that L’Express consulted. All the others spoke in favor.
