The court prevented an outside investigator from continuing to examine the documents seized from Trump

NOW At least one of Trumps lawyers signed a false

With the decision, the US Department of Justice can continue its criminal investigation into the suspected actions of former President Donald Trump.

In the United States, the federal appeals court decided on Thursday that the former president of the United States Donald Trump’s the independent investigation of the documents seized from the estate ends. With the decision, the Ministry of Justice can continue its criminal investigation into Trump’s suspected actions.

In September, a district court judge Aileen Cannon decided that an independent third-party investigator would be appointed to examine the papers seized by the FBI from the Federal Police. The decision has so far prevented the Ministry of Justice from using the documents in its investigation.

The Ministry of Justice opposed the appointment of a liquidator, arguing that it could endanger national security and slow down investigations into why classified material was found in Trump’s possession.

With the help of an investigator, Trump tried to possibly prevent investigators from finding out which documents Trump had taken from the White House when he left the office after his term of office came to an end.

About 11,000 documents were seized from Trump’s Florida estate Mar-a-Lago in August, of which about a hundred are classified as secret. The Justice Department has said the documents are government property.

If the appeals court had not suspended the investigation by the external liquidator at the request of the Ministry of Justice, the matter would probably have ended up being decided by the Supreme Court.

More on the topic:

The court agreed to Trump’s request: An external attorney reviews the seized documents (September 5)

Boxes in Trump’s storage room at the heart of the investigation – Ministry of Justice: Top secret document lying on the carpet (August 31)

The FBI searched Donald Trump’s mansion – the ex-president’s supporters consider the treatment outrageous: “They fear that he will win again” (August 9)
