the Court of Auditors investigates the purchase of 50,000 Viagra tablets for the army

the Court of Auditors investigates the purchase of 50000 Viagra

In Brazil, the Court of Auditors is investigating the purchase of 50,000 tablets of sildenafil citrate, namely Viagra, on behalf of the army. These extraordinary purchases would have been overcharged.

With our correspondent in Sao Paulo, Martin Bernard

It was a member of the Brazilian Socialist Party who first questioned the Ministry of Defense about the order for 50,000 tablets of Viagra intended to fight against erectile dysfunction. the army confirmed, but quickly justified herself, saying that this drug was for ” fight high blood pressure and rheumatological diseases “.

This MP also spotted the purchase of 60 penile implants, ie silicone prostheses of 10 to 25 centimeters, on behalf of the army. Some of these purchases were overcharged by more than 140%, which caught the attention of the Court of Auditors. Faced with sometimes mocking reactions from public opinion, President Jair Bolsonaro, himself a former army captain, castigated ” the bad faith press, which does not know what it is talking about “.

As for the vice-president, General Hamilton Mourão, aged 68, he reacted by saying: “ A little old man like me, can’t I have Viagra? “Before asking:” What is 35,000 tablets of Viagra compared to 110,000 little old people, retired from the army? »
