The County Administrative Board in Västerbotten forms its own rescue force

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Those who are part of the force will receive training in, among other things, forest fire fighting, but will also participate in exercises and other training. Any own heavier equipment does not have the strength, but will cooperate with the rescue service.

– Both we at the county board but also the emergency services in the county must be able to activate the force and they can be led by both.

War deployed

The volunteers who join will be deployed at the county board, so it is not possible to join if you are already deployed.

– If you are, for example, in the Home Guard, you have a task there, then maybe this is not the task that suits you.

But the county administrative board still likes to see that you are already a member of another voluntary defense organization. The volunteers will be compensated in the same way as the municipal part-time firefighters, and the assignment requires good physical and health conditions.
