The country’s hospitals are completely cut off by Ivo: “Very serious situation”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

The rating was anything but good when the Inspectorate for Care and Care (Ivo) inspected 27 emergency hospitals in the country. All hospitals were criticized for a lack of staff and care places, and Ivo assesses that patient safety cannot be guaranteed.

– It is a very serious situation. We see a shortage of care places that is all over the country and it affects patients in the form of serious care injuries and we have even seen deaths that can be linked to this, says Sofia Wallström, general director of Ivo.

In his conclusions, Ivo draws four overall conclusions, including that the reduction in care places has gone too far. It has also led to overcrowding, relocations and long waiting times at the emergency departments have increased.

– We see that patients are placed in corridors or in other places. It is very privacy-infringing and not patient-safe. Medicines are not given on time or not at all and the medical supervision is not up to par, says Wallström.

Hospitals may even be breaking the law when patient safety is compromised.

– Our assessment is that it is not compatible with Swedish legislation, says Wallström.

See the full interview with Ivo’s general manager in the player above.
