the country is moving towards free access to the “morning after pill”

the country is moving towards free access to the morning

It was the most restrictive country in the European Union in terms of access to abortion, but that could change. Poland adopted, yesterday, Wednesday January 24, a draft amendment to liberalize access to the abortion pill from the age of 15 without a prescription. Until then, you had to systematically go to a doctor to have it delivered. The Prime Minister, Donald Tusk, is already showing his desire to go further by promising to legalize abortion.

2 mins

With our correspondent in Warsaw, Adrien Sarlat

Despite the rain, the students were smiling this morning in front of the University of Warsaw. They are unanimous, this bill is a relief for them. For Julia, 20 years old, it is even obvious: “My friends and I often watch the news, especially since the arrival of the new government, and we are relieved at the speed with which this bill was presented. Because in most democratic states this pill is available without a prescription, and I don’t understand why this wouldn’t be the case in Poland.»

Of the “Side effects»

But not everyone is convinced yet. Behind the counter of her pharmacy, Beata is worried about this liberalization of the morning-after pill: “We have two packs of morning-after pills on hand, but since I’ve worked here, I’ve never had to give them out. I think it is very dangerous because it is a drug that has a lot of side effects. And in my opinion, it is up to the doctor to decide on his prescription and to inform patients about the side effects which can be very serious..”

Abortion too

In recent years, several women have been convicted for helping others obtain this famous pill without the advice of a doctor. The Prime Minister assured that this was only a first step and announced that he was ready to legalize abortion up to twelve weeks of pregnancy. The bill should be quickly presented to Parliament.

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