the cost of a repeal – L’Express

the cost of a repeal – LExpress

Repealing the gradual increase in the retirement age provided for by the 2023 pension reform would cost 3.4 billion euros in 2025, and nearly 16 billion in 2032, according to daily life Les Echoswhich is based on figures from the National Old Age Insurance Fund. Questioned by AFP, Cnav indicated that it “confirmed the order of magnitude” of these figures, without giving further details.

The scenario retained in the simulation presented would be a return to the legal age of 62, and a return to the provisions of the previous Touraine reform, with regard to the duration of contributions. The scenario, on the other hand, maintains the measures to revalorize small pensions, decided by the Borne government to facilitate the passage of a reform highly contested in the streets in 2023.

According to the Echoesrepeal “would therefore risk pushing the system deficit even more seriously into the red, to around -15 billion euros from 2025 and -32 billion euros in 2032”.

READ ALSO: Pension reform: “Calculated correctly, the pension deficit reaches 53 billion euros”

A repeal proposed by the left and the RN

These figures are published as the National Assembly prepares to examine proposals to repeal the reform. Left-wing groups and certain independents from the Liot group have tabled amendments to repeal the reform as part of the draft Social Security budget for 2025, which will be discussed in the Social Affairs Committee next week before arriving in the hemicycle the following week. The National Rally has also tabled a repeal bill which will be examined Wednesday morning in committee by the Assembly.
