the corrected exercises are known!

the corrected exercises are known

MATHEMATICS BAC. The first corrections for the mathematics subject are available after the end of the baccalaureate 2022 test on Wednesday. Find the complete answer on Linternaute.

Did the candidates find the correct answers to the math problems this afternoon? They can now find out thanks to the first corrections to the 2022 baccalaureate math specialty test proposed by associate professors and published on Linternaute. For four hours, equipped with their calculator and with formulas, the candidates worked on three exercises among the four present in the subject of the exam before returning their copy at 6 p.m. Now they hope that their answers and their calculations will be confirmed by the answer key.

The main themes of the program returned in the test, namely the famous functions, in particular exponential functions and sequences, combined in the same exercise. Numerical functions were also offered as a subject but in the form of MCQs and high school students also had the choice with an exercise on probabilities and one focused on geometry. The mathematics specialty is one of the most followed of the twelve specialty courses and in fact one that concerns the most candidates. Like the other specialty tests, the mathematics exam counts as a coefficient of 16 in the final average obtained in the baccalaureate, so the stakes are very high for candidates in the process of working on the floor.

Answers for the 2022 baccalaureate math test

Once the bac exam is over, candidates are waiting for the answers, and the first corrections for the baccalaureate mathematics specialty subject are already available below. Written by an associate professor, the answers are reliable and allow high school students to get an idea of ​​their success and a fortiori their grade.

What are the mathematics subjects for the 2022 baccalaureate?

Exponential functions and sequences, probabilities, geometry and numerical functions… This is the subject on which all the candidates who pass the 2022 baccalaureate mathematics specialty test had to compose. The functions took up the most space with a rather long exercise combining exponentials and sequences and another exercise in the form of MCQs without negative points. Otherwise, the candidates were able to work on probabilities with a weighted tree and the use of a binomial law in particular or on a geometry exercise in space with the calculation of a plane and a tetrahedron, among others. Find the entire subject and the details of the exercises submitted to baccalaureate candidates thanks to our partner Studyrama.

The subjects that fell this Wednesday, May 11 for the first mathematics test join the themes of those of the abc 2022 subjects in French Polynesia that fell a week ago. Functions of all kinds, sequences, probability and geometry can be found in all subjects but with different instructions and above all different situations to avoid cheating. Still, the second mathematics subject expected tomorrow could also take up the same themes to assess baccalaureate candidates who have not yet passed the mathematics test.

During the mathematics specialty test, candidates have four hours to blacken their copy. The test is divided into four exercises on different themes of the program and the high school student must choose to carry out three of them. This modality is permitted by the arrangements planned and announced by the Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, on January 28 and which “[garantissent] The candidate always has a choice, whether between questions or between exercises”. To help the student in his choice, all the subjects must specify the different themes addressed.

When does the mathematics specialty test take place?

According to the baccalaureate exam calendar, the specialty tests were to be held between March 14 and 16, but that was without counting on theannouncement by the Ministry of Education at the beginning of the year of the postponement of the tests to the month of May. All written exams for specialty lessons are organized between May 11 and 13, 2022. But as regards the mathematics specialty exam, it is held on Wednesday May 11 and Thursday May 12 between 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.

When will the math test results be released?

Although the mathematics test is organized one month before the written and oral French, philosophy and oral exams, the results could not be known until the publication of all the results, namely July 5. 2022. Initially, the mark obtained in this test should have appeared in the Parcoursup file but with the postponement of the dates, it is possible that the announcement of the results of the candidates will be postponed until the end of the baccalaureate.
