the controversial absences of President Dina Boluarte

the controversial absences of President Dina Boluarte

In Peru, interim president Dina Boluarte is once again in turmoil. After the affair of Rolex watches and undeclared jewelry in April, the Peruvian weekly Hildebrandt and more reveals that the head of state was absent for almost two weeks between June and July 2023.

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With our correspondent in Lima, Juliette Chaignon

Twelve days of absence. Dina Boluarte reportedly underwent cosmetic surgery such as rhinoplasty and anti-aging treatments. The problem is that the president did not officially delegate her powers during this period.

The opposition MP, Ruth Luque, denounces “ an obstruction of the Constitution “. She requests access to the head of state’s diary and other documents enabling the truth to be established about this affair. On the government side, several ministers rushed to the president’s aid. They refute any absence and invoke a “ right to privacy “.

This surgery would be purely cosmetic, according to several sources cited by the local press. Dina Boluarte would not like her appearance in the photos and would therefore have resorted to a renowned surgeon, who takes care of personalities.

After the affair of undeclared luxury watches, Dina Boluarte is still losing credibility in the eyes of Peruvians. More than 88% disapprove of his policies. Furthermore, figures on the economic situation have just been published: more than 30% of residents live below the poverty line. This level is almost as critical as during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Read alsoIn Peru, while Dina Boluarte is entangled in the Rolex scandal, the executive and Congress are disowned by public opinion
