“The consumer wants the improvement of the tax base regulation”

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Performed earlier than expected in the car base A research result about the regulation was shared.

Nureddin Nebati, Minister of Treasury and Financewhich has been on the agenda frequently in the past week claims that there will be a SCT reduction in the automobile He put the last point, there is no reduction in tax, just “We are working on base increase” he said. Then came a date on this subject, Nureddin Nabati of the new tax base arrangement in the automobile 1st of December will enter into force on had explained. After some reactions, the details, which were not expected on December 1 and entered into force on December 24, here The update we included brought serious discounts on the prices of some vehicles. However, these discounts did not last long.

The subject of base came to the fore once again today because Arabam.com conducted a research. The company provided the following information in detail for this research: “The tax base regulation expected by consumers who want to buy a brand new car has been published in the Official Gazette and entered into force. After the spread of this news, vehicle price inquiries increased according to the new base rates and it became a matter of curiosity in which price ranges it covers vehicles. Turkey’s leading second-hand vehicle advertisement platform Arabam.com conducted a research on tax base regulation with the participation of 593 people in December.

According to the results of the research, 35.2% of the participants find the SCT tax regulation positive, 45.9% find it positive but limited, and 18.9% find it negative. 77.5% of those included in the research also want a regulation for vehicles between 600.000 TL – 800.000 TL.

In the research conducted by Arabam.com, 63.7% of the participants are considering buying a vehicle, while 36.3% of the participants are not considering buying a vehicle. 70.3% of the participants in the study also state that they have knowledge about the tax base arrangement.


Respondents were asked, “Does this regulation encourage you to buy a vehicle?” When the question is asked, 54.2% of the respondents answer yes, while 45.8% answer no.

When the participants in the study were asked what they thought about the tax base adjustment, 35.2% of the respondents stated that they found the regulation positive. 45.9% of the respondents say they find it positive but insufficient, while 18.9% find it negative..

When the research participants were asked in which price ranges they would like to see a regulation for the vehicles, 77.5% of the respondents stated that they wanted a regulation for the vehicles between 600.000 TL and 800.000 TL. 11% of the participants want a regulation for vehicles between 8001.000 TL – 1.000.000 TL, 6.2% for vehicles between 1.000.001 TL – 1.200.00 TL, 5.3% for vehicles over 1.200.000 TL says.”
