the Constitutional Council validates the essentials of the vaccination pass

even before its presentation to Parliament the vaccine pass crisps

In France, the vaccination pass will come into force this Monday, January 24. The Constitutional Council has just given its green light to most of the text. He had been seized by several opposition parliamentarians about the law definitively adopted on Sunday by Parliament. Apart from the case of political meetings, the wise men validated the device imagined by the government.

Even if certain provisions infringe several fundamental freedoms, the objective of ” health protection justifies the transformation of the health pass into a vaccination pass.

This is how the Constitutional Council explains its decision, especially since this text is, according to him, not synonymous with a disguised vaccination obligation. Even the possibility left to managers of bars and restaurants and managers of cinemas and theaters to verify the identity of their customers does not pose a problem for the Elders, who do not see it ” an administrative police check “.

Possibility of taking all necessary measures »

There is a downside, however, political rallies. There is no question for the organizers of requiring participants to have a health pass. But they can take all necessary measures “Like limiting the number of people present: distributing masks or ventilating the rooms, specifies the Constitutional Council.

The Elders also ask that the vaccination pass be ended as soon as the health situation improves, without however setting any quantified indicators. The bill provides for a possible application until July 31.

►Also read: Study on the impact of the health pass: “Each vaccination point has an impact on GDP”
