The constant mistake of those who want to lose weight but can’t!

The constant mistake of those who want to lose weight

Getting rid of excess weight that makes it difficult for us to find clothes, restricts our movement and negatively affects our health. For this, we follow our neighbor’s diet list, resort to various methods we see on social media and fail. Then, “Why can’t I lose weight?” we think and despair.

In this case, the first thing we need to do is to question the reason that prevents our weight loss and to regulate our diet for this reason. Dietitian Elif Kübra Bostancı listed the mistakes made by those who want to lose weight but cannot.

OVEREating and a sedentary life

Theoretically, you maintain your weight when the energy you consume and the energy you take are equal. When you spend more energy than you need to take in daily, you lose weight. For this, you should determine the amount of energy you need to take during the day in accordance with your age, height and weight and create a nutrition program for this. You can also create a calorie deficit by increasing your movement during the day. According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization, walking for 150 minutes a week will positively affect your health and support your weight control.



Apart from getting the energy we need, another important point is that the energy content you receive is balanced. A carbohydrate-heavy diet and a fast food diet will affect the quality of the energy you take and prevent weight loss. For this, you should create a balanced menu by including enough protein, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates in every meal in your diet.



An increase in appetite and a slowdown in your basal metabolic rate can be seen due to the slow functioning of your thyroid gland, insulin resistance, disorders in sex hormone functions, and menopause. As a result, weight gain may occur. In addition, hormonal drugs, antidepressants and neurology drugs used for treatment can also cause weight gain.


Deficiency in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin D, iron, B12 can affect your metabolism, slowing your weight loss or causing weight gain. For this reason, you should have your values ​​checked by having a blood test every six months and use the necessary supplements under the control of a doctor according to the results.


VERY LOW calorie diets

Although applying very low calorie shock diets to achieve results in a short time leads to weight loss in the short term, most of the weight loss is from fluid and muscle mass. In addition, a low-calorie diet will slow down your metabolic rate in the long term, slowing your weight loss and causing you to gain weight more easily.


Adequate water consumption is essential for both a healthy life and weight loss. In order for the body to work in a healthy way, you should consume at least 30 ml of water per kilogram, apart from the tea and coffee you consume during the day. Not consuming enough water during the day will dehydrate your cells and prevent you from losing fat.



If you want to eat something sweet even when you are in a bad mood or when you are full, watch out! You are faced with emotional hunger. The first thing you should do is drink 1 glass of water and wait 30 minutes, then drink 1 glass of water again. If you still do not want to eat 15 raw nuts, 200 gr. With yogurt and cinnamon, you can contribute to your blood sugar balance.
