The Conservative Party is voting for no confidence in Boris Johnson

The Conservative Party is voting for no confidence in Boris

A printout from Dagens Nyheter, 2022-06-06 09:41

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Updated 09:40 Published 09:28

A no-confidence vote against Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s leadership will take place on Monday evening.

A no-confidence vote against Boris Johnson will be held tonight. After a period of speculation following the “partygate” scandal, Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the so-called 1922 committee, announced on Monday morning that enough members of the conservative Tory party had submitted letters of no confidence.

“The threshold of 15% of the parliamentary party that wants to see a vote of no confidence in the leader of the Conservative Party has been exceeded,” Sir Graham Brady wrote in a statement.

Facts: 54 letters must be submitted

A no-confidence vote against Boris Johnson requires that 15 percent of the Conservatives in the lower house – that is, 54 out of 359 – submit letters to the so-called 1922 committee. The only one who has so far known how many letters have been received is Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the 1922 committee, who receives the letters.

If more than 50 percent of the Conservative members vote against the party leader in a no-confidence vote, he must resign. Then a process begins to appoint a new party leader. If the party leader wins the no – confidence vote, he or she may not be challenged in the next year.

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