The conflict that shakes Ingebrigtsen: “Certainly affects”

Jakob Ingebrigtsen is the reigning world champion at 5,000 meters and vice-world champion at 1,500 meters and enters the WC in Budapest as one of the biggest medal favourites.

But on the side of the running track, it is not peace and joy for the 22-year-old.

Already at the EC in Munich last year, Jakob’s father, Gjert Ingebritsen, came into focus. The reason is the strained relationship with Jakob and his brothers, Filip and Henrik.

– Father Gjert has trained them all their lives and whipped them, quite hard, tough father who has driven very hard with the siblings who have invested in running. But since a year ago, they broke up, not only with him as coach, but in total, says TV4 expert Carolina Klüft.

Gjert Ingebritsen previously trained his son Jakob, but the parties ended the collaboration in 2021 and Gert is now training the Norwegian middle distance runner Narve Gilje Nordås, who is also in the Norwegian squad in Hungary.

Deteriorated relationship

But the breakup from the son was not without friction. In an interview with The Times, Jakob Ingebrigtsen said that one of the reasons for the decision was the father’s hot temper. Something that has been followed by a deteriorating relationship within the family.

Ahead of the championship, Gjert has found himself in the spotlight again. This after he and Nordås chose to stay in a separate hotel, unlike the rest of the Norwegian squad.

In addition, Gjert has been denied accreditation during the championship. Which means that he will not enter the competition arena or the training facility.

– He trains Narve Gilje Nordås, who has also run very well. But they live in their own hotel, can buy their own ticket, no accreditation, but have had to solve it on their own because the Norwegian federation does not want to make friends with Jakob Ingebrigtsen.

Even in the Norwegian media, the conflict is of utmost interest.

– There are many indications that it is based on the fact that Jakob does not wish to have his father accredited as a coach in this championship. Then the question is whether the Norwegian party has taken sides in this sensitive conflict, says NRK expert Verbjørn Rodal to TV4 and continues:

– It certainly affects. Jakob and the brothers, it probably affects Narve too. I don’t think the rest of the squad cares very much. So I don’t think the squad as a whole is marked by this.

During the WC in Hungary, Jakob Ingebrigtsen will compete in the 1,500 meters, where the semi-finals start at 17:30. He also competes in the 5,000 meters, where the trials start on Thursday.

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