The Comoros are outraged by Madagascar’s border closures due to cholera

The Comoros are outraged by Madagascars border closures due to

On Wednesday October 16, Madagascar closed its maritime borders with the Comoros again after recording an increase in cholera cases in the archipelago. In one month, 198 cases were recorded there. This decision provokes Moroni’s indignation, in particular because a Comorian boat, which left before this announcement, was refused access to Majunga and had to turn back. He finally returned to the Comoros on Sunday October 20. The Comorian authorities denounce an unjustified decision.

1 min

With our correspondent in Moroni, Abdallah Mzembaba

To Comorosit is incomprehension that prevails. The authorities speak of an unfriendly act on the part of Madagascardeeming the closure of maritime borders unjustified.

Faced with the refusal of the Malagasy authorities to authorize the docking of Acadia, Moroni first explained that the 195 passengers were all provided with a cholera vaccination card, before proposing to place the passengers in quarantine. Then it was enough to carry out medical examinations. A proposal immediately rejected by Antananarivo, according to the Comorian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

The Acadie boat therefore had to turn around. It arrived in Anjouan on Sunday before setting sail again for Moroni with 80 passengers on board. He should reach the capital this Monday, October 21 in the morning.

While recognizing the sovereignty of Madagascar, the governor of Anjouan, Zaidou Youssouf, criticized the decision of the Big Island. A doctor by training, he points out that other countries in the region are managing cholera epidemics without closing their borders.

For the Comorian Consumer Federation, this crisis highlights the fragility of regional cooperation. She calls for strengthening health infrastructure but also regional agreements in order to avoid such crises in the future.
