The community has an idea on how to save one of the worst champions

In League of Legends, if a champion performs very poorly and remains unpopular for a period of time, they will often be tweaked or changed to bring them back into the fold. But the champion Corki has been one of the worst and most unpopular champions in the game since 2022, but Riot doesn’t change anything. But a player on Reddit now has an interesting suggestion.

Corki hasn’t been feeling well for a long time. According to, he currently has a win rate of 47.23% and a pick rate of 0.64%. Both are very bad. He is currently the least popular champion after Skarner in terms of pick rate, but he is getting a rework soon and Corki would most likely have the lowest pick rate.

Its almost disastrous win rate doesn’t make it any better and prevents players from wanting to try it out. The special thing is that he has not managed to achieve a positive win rate above 50% since April 2022.

Due to his lack of ability to cause crowd control, he is currently not relevant in the midlane meta. Although its damage potential is great, champions like Xerath, Sylas and Kassadin are more reliable in this area.

However, a user on Reddit has a suggestion on how Corki could be saved. You should just move him to another lane.

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Off to the jungle

In his Reddit post, user Ok-Connection suggests that you simply adapt Corki for the jungle. He compares a potential Corki jungle update with champions like Brand or Zyra, who will also be played there by slightly adjusting the damage to jungle minions.

Although Corki would have no CC and would therefore be at a disadvantage when ganking, he could concentrate on farming and clearing the jungle like a Karthus. In teamfights for objectives such as the dragon, he could then show his strong damage potential.

The user thinks that his package would also be interesting for ganking. As a player, you hear when Corki picks up his passive, so you have to be more careful because Corki can then appear from anywhere.

Ok-Connection sees the professional area such as the midlane as less of a problem, as scaling mage junglers are hardly played in the professional area. The focus there is more on tanks.

He would also be welcome in another lane

The community also has other ideas for changing the post. This also applies to other lanes.

  • futurev5239: How about returning him to the bot lane instead
  • FuujinSama: Honestly, just remove the silly rework and bring back his non-Skillshot Q, True Damage passive Corki. The packaging and the strange scaling were a mistake.
  • Chinese_Squidward: The solution for Corki is to add a passive ability that converts all Armor Penetration of items he buys into Magic Penetration.
  • Before his rework and his time as a midlaner, Corki was an ADC similar to Graves. Many players seem to want this time back. Considering how strong Ziggs, Seraphine and Swain are in the botlane, Corki could also work with adjustments.

    It is currently unknown whether and what is planned for Corki, so players can only speculate. Another inconspicuous champion currently seems to be strong again on the top plane:

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