The coast guard: Many jet ski drivers are careless with the ID card

Two years ago, a requirement for a driver’s license was introduced for those who want to drive jet skis. The coast guard has since noticed a clear improvement in the situation with fewer people behaving badly.

– What we see is that fewer people drive jet skis just because it’s fun, but you’re on your way somewhere. It is used more like a boat today, says Gustaf Wägmark, commander at the Coast Guard in Oxelösund.

But on the other hand, many drivers are careless with their ID document, something that can end up with fines and a suspended driver’s license.

Sea drinking campaign in recent weeks

In recent weeks, a targeted effort against drunkenness at sea has been carried out and everything from larger leisure boats to jet skis has been checked.

Just as has been reported from other parts of the country, the tendency is also positive on this part of the coast.

– We see that many people have a designated driver after, for example, a visit to a restaurant, says Gustaf Wägmark.

Just over three percent of those who are checked at sea are driving drunk, according to the Coast Guard’s figures.
