The coalition party’s Orpo declares itself the winner in Finland’s election

The coalition partys Orpo declares itself the winner in Finlands

Published: Less than 10 min ago

full screenOrpo received cheers: “Knew we would win” Photo: Screenshot

The leader of the Coalition Party, Petteri Orpo, declares election victory in Finland.

Prime Minister Sanna Marin is thus allowed to hand over power.

– This is a big deal. We will fix Finland, says Orpo.

Petteri Orpo was greeted by cheers when he stepped on stage during the Samlingspartiet’s vigil.

Then he declared victory.

– You know what, it was a great victory, he says during his speech.

– I knew we were going to win because the sky was blue. The sun is shining and the birds are singing, he says before leaving the stage and getting a beer in his hand.

The party has won 48 seats when five percent of the votes remain to be counted.

Experts now believe that the liberal-conservative Gathering Party may enter into cooperation with the nationalist True Finns, which will become the second largest party with 46 seats.

“Negotiations will not start before Easter”

The true Finns thus have their best election result ever.

– I am proud of us, says party leader Riikka Purra.

– Dear Finnish voters. Thank you for your trust.

She is then asked about a possible collaboration with the Samlingspartiet.

– The government negotiator appears to be Petteri Orpo. I don’t think the government negotiations will start before Easter, she says according to Ilta-Sanomat.

“Clear tightening of the immigration line”

When asked what demands the true Finns will make, she says:

– A clear tightening of the immigration line is an absolute necessity. True Finns want a strict EU policy that takes Finland’s interests into account.

Petteri Orpo, leader of the Samlingspartiet, states that the most important thing is to get Finland in order.

– Fixing the Finnish economy is the highest priority.

Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s Social Democrats have won 43 seats and now admit defeat, according to Reuters.

– The social democratic alternative has been heard in this election. Democracy has spoken, the Finnish people have cast their vote. Celebrating democracy is always a wonderful thing, says Marin.

full screen Petteri Orpo at the vigil earlier in the evening. Photo: Antti Aimo-Koivisto / AP
