The coach was furious after the verdict – now the judges have been suspended

Watch a feature from the handball match in the player above.

SVT Sport was on site in Romania during the handball match between Zalau and Gloria Buzau last fall in connection with the recording of the mini-documentary “The threat to handball”.

After the game, the infamous coach Gheorghe Tadici had an outburst at the referees, as he was unhappy with a decision in the final seconds.

– The referees stole the match from us, Tadici said afterwards.

Now it turns out that the two referees in the match have been suspended for four matches.

SVT Sport has been in contact with Radu Chirvase, press officer at the Romanian handball association, who does not want to give a clear answer as to why the referees are suspended.

“Their ruling has unintentionally affected the final result of the match,” Chirvase writes in an email and refers to a press release from the Romanian Handball Disciplinary Committee.

“The disciplinary committee made the decision without receiving a notification from either team, but it is based on video analysis and the team’s statements in the media,” writes Radu Chirvase.

It is not clear whether coach Gheorghe Tadici influenced the referee suspensions.

According to a review by SVT Sport, Romania is a handball country that is especially exposed to match-fixing.

SVT Sport has tried to get in touch with the referees without success.

SPORT DOC: See “The threat to handball” in SVT Play
