The coach and teammates also cried when Anne Kjersti Kalvå, 30, achieved her first award place – Marit Björgen’s words to her cousin shined a light of faith

The coach and teammates also cried when Anne Kjersti Kalva

Back in May, Anne Kjersti Kalvå was at the bottom of her career, on Saturday she achieved her first World Cup prize place.

12:49•Updated 12:51

Anne Kjersti Kalvå has been hunting for the World Cup podium for years. When he reached second place in the 10 km traditional skiing race in Beitostölen on Saturday, it was a very touching moment, even the coaches and teammates cried.

Kalvå was already close to the prize places in Ruka, but at that time she lost to Germany’s Katharina Hennig by only 0.2 seconds. On Saturday, Kalvå lost Kerttu Niskanen almost 13 seconds, but in third place was Sweden Frida Karlsson had to bow by about four seconds.

Kalvå only achieved his first World Cup prize place at the age of 30. However, he has been trusted, and one big supporter for Kalvå has been his cousin: the skiing queen Marit Björgen.

– I told him last weekend that he has every chance [palkintosijalle]. He has beaten everyone who has been with awards this season, Björgen said for VG (you switch to another service).

Kalvå admitted that Björgen’s message to him was very clear. The cousin’s encouragement has warmed him, because he has considered Björgen his role model both as a skier and as a person. Kalvå is also godmother to Björgen’s youngest son, Ola.

– I try to keep in touch, even though we live in different cities. Marit has always supported me, and I can’t wait to do the same for her children, Kalvå told VG.

Last season was quite difficult for Kalvå mentally, as he had to miss the Beijing Olympics due to corona infection. He told for VG (you switch to another service) that he was at the very bottom in May, but the cooperation national team coach Stig Rune Kveen with and boyfriend Didrik Tönseth with support, he was able to climb back to the top.

So it was no wonder that Kveen cried on Saturday when Kalvå crossed the finish line. Tönseth also had time to follow his girlfriend’s race and a few hours later he also took second place in the men’s race.

– This is almost more fun with him. Now he has removed the barrier, Tönseth told VG.
