The ‘cloud skin’: this make-up that brings up to date the matte and velvety complexion?

The cloud skin this make up that brings up to date

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    Are we already done with the glowy complexion? You might think so in view of the latest beauty trend that has gone viral on TikTok, the ‘cloud skin’, a mix between matte and radiant complexion. Popularized by British make-up artist Dominic Skinner, this new kind of beauty treatment emphasizes a velvety, almost blurry complexion, heralded as the star trend for spring.

    Unless you are a fan of beauty, and more specifically of make-up, it is sometimes difficult to see clearly in the jungle of trends that follow one another without ever looking alike. All the more so in the age of social networks, and even more so with the success of TikTok, which has become a real trend incubator in this area. We have seen this in recent weeks with the ‘coquette makeup’, the ‘shower makeup’, or even the ‘revenge makeup’ which have absolutely nothing to do with each other, although they all emphasize a luminous and radiant complexion. But it could be that the latter in turn lives its last hours, with the emergence of the ‘cloud skin’, the new beauty trend which restores the image of matte makeup, neglected in recent years.

    40 million views

    It is to Dominic Skinner, artistic director of make-up at MAC Cosmetics UK, that we owe the term ‘cloud skin’, which can be translated into French as “cloud skin”. As we have seen, it is a question of giving the skin this velvety, almost blurred appearance, at the same time light, fresh, and luminous, a perfect mix between matte and glowy. A beauty treatment that has already generated more than 40 million views for the Chinese social network – 37 million for #cloudskin and 5 million for #cloudskinmakeup – and which requires meticulous skin care, even more so than using the right make-up products. Right on trend at the moment.

    Before even starting the beauty treatment, it is advisable to cleanse your skin perfectly, and even more to hydrate it with appropriate care. Once this step is complete, you must mix a mattifying base with matte and luminous foundations, to bring this velvety appearance without losing this touch of shine. A matte concealer will camouflage certain redness, but it is better to opt for a liquid format to avoid the mask effect which is absolutely not desired with this beauty treatment. The final touch? A small dose of mattifying powder on areas that tend to shine during the day. That’s it !

    For all skin types

    The return of matte makeup will probably not appeal to all skin types, and more particularly to the driest skin types. And for good reason… The dreaded mask effect is not the most appealing on this type of skin. Hence the importance of moisturizing your face deeply before reproducing this ‘cloud skin’, and mixing luminous and matte foundations to enjoy a velvety finish without having the skin completely dry.

    Although the tutorials vary considerably from one user to another on TikTok – some, for example, mix their luminous foundation with a mattifying powder – it is also essential to do no contouring – or very little – to achieve the desired result. : a soft matte complexion which should finally suit the greatest number of people.
