The climate activists who caused chaos in Stockholm’s Diamond League were fined | Sport

Star athletes were enraged at climate activists the Elokapinan

The climate activists who caused chaos in last summer’s Diamond League have been sentenced to fines in Stockholm District Court.

Last July, the Diamond League in Stockholm saw a dangerous situation when three climate activists took over the track just before the men’s 400m hurdlers reached the finish line. The banners between the activists covered most of the tracks.

Winner Karsten Warholm made it to the finish line without a hitch, but the other runners had a more difficult time. Many athletes, Warholm included, immediately condemned the activists’ rapture.

Now the district court in Stockholm has also given its verdict, and the three activists have to pay a 40-day fine each. This means fines of 380, 230 and 140 kroner for the activists, or in euros, fines of around 34, 20 and 12 euros.

Although the fines were small, the race organizers were satisfied with the verdicts.

– It is good that charges are brought against the activists. It shows that they cannot interfere with competitive events in this way. We were able to state after the race that the runners were disturbed by this so much that it affected their race results, the organizer of the Stockholm Diamond League announced in a press release.

Source: SVT
