– It goes to a certain limit and then the people’s voice will penetrate. Because it’s about us surviving, says Helen Wahlgren, 59, who previously, among other things, received a suspended sentence after sticking to the runway at Malmö Airport.
Rufus Rune, 21, will have a trial on Thursday. He says that it is nervous before an action, but that it quickly passes.
– Afterwards, it feels incredibly good. Because you know you are on the right side of history. Regardless of whether we end up in climate hell or not, we know that these years are crucial. And then I know that I acted with what I was able to do. That I am hailed as one of the heroes of history.
“I feel compelled to be here”
For Roxy Farhat, 39, it was the first time she had carried out this type of action and she is now awaiting judgment.
– It is quite obvious that usual methods do not help.
– I feel compelled to be here. We are in a climate disaster that is only getting worse and worse. And it is clear that our politicians do not take their responsibility. And then I can’t just accept it. What should I do? Vote in 3-4 years. No, it needs to be acted upon.
It is still a democratically elected assembly, shouldn’t it be respected?
– Yes, that’s clear. But you also have to ask yourself the question: Shouldn’t the safety and future of the population be respected?