The classic item disappears from Willys and Hemköp: “Destroy”

The classic item disappears from Willys and Hemkop Destroy

The coming year will look different for Axfood’s grocery stores, after several classic products disappear.

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Willy’s and Hemköp’s delivery problems

News24 has previously drawn attention to the delivery problem that Axfood’s stores suffered in May 2024. Above all, Hemköp and Willys were affected, which did not receive all their frozen goods for several weeks.

“Although there have been frozen volumes, it has not been to the desired extent, which we regret, and are working to get it right as soon as possible and catch up,” wrote Marie Svatoncommunications manager at Dagab, in another email Grocery news then.

READ MORE: Food shortage at Willys and Hemköp: “We regret”

Willys and Hemköp had major delivery problems. Photo: Roger Vikström / TT

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Hemköp and Willys stop the classic product

Now consumers will once again see fewer goods in stores, but this time it is not a matter of a delivery error, but instead of a conscious choice by Axfood.

But what is actually the reason for the decision?

Well, during 2024, several fish products will stop being sold, because they were given a red light in WWF’s latest fish guide. Among the goods that will be removed are sour strömming and Swedish prawns.

The Swedish shrimp will be temporarily replaced with shrimp from Norway.

– It is the industrial and large-scale trawling of herring and sturgeon for feed production that should not be allowed because it leads to overfishing and therefore destroys the opportunities for coastal and small-scale net fishing for consumption, for example sour sturgeon, says Åsa DomeijAxfood’s sustainability manager, in one press release.


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