The city in terror: The crows are everywhere – like in the classic movie

The city of Emmerich in Germany has received several reports from residents that crows – which nest in large colonies in the city – have attacked them on jogs and walks. One resident likens the situation to Alfred Hitchcock’s classic horror film “The Birds”. Facades, streets and cars are soiled by crow droppings. Clusters of bird nests can be seen in the trees. – It is quite terrible. Walking through the park, you can’t get through without being stained with bird droppings. They make a lot of noise and fly towards you. I don’t walk through the park anymore, says Rosemarie Unbehaun who lives in Emmerich. The city administration has contacted the nature conservation authority to identify whether it is one or more birds that are causing the problems. The young of the crows hatch in May, which increases the aggressiveness, but on the other hand, crows are not known to have harmed people before. – They don’t have a sharp beak, so the most you can get are scratch marks. But all you have to do is hold up a hand and they won’t get to the scalp, says Uta Maria Jürgens, who researches corvids in particular, to the German television channel NTV. But Rosemarie Unbehaun, who has a flat right next to the balcony, still finds it unpleasant. – I think they are so scary. Especially after re-watching Hitchcock’s horror film “The Birds”. It’s just like that when they come at you like that.
