The Citizens beat Arsenal, is the title already decided?

The Citizens beat Arsenal is the title already decided

Premier League Day 33: Manchester City wins with authority against the Gunners. The Sky Blues have 2 games less and only points behind their evening opponents! The De Bryne / Haaland connection, fatal weapon of the Blues. Citizens on track to retain their title? Stoppage for Arsenal, blunt leader, impressed by the challenge? – Liverpool wins at West Ham, Chelsea beaten by Brentford, sinks a little more.

– Florent Ibenge, far from Khartoum and fighting. The Al Hilal club will be temporarily relocated to Cairo, will stop by Radio Foot before finding its players and management in Egypt. The Sudanese formation must prepare for its next deadline in the Arab Club Cup, against CS Sfaxien.

What fate for the Stade de France? Will the speaker be sold to the highest bidder? PSG wishes to become the owner of its stadium, and has officially submitted its application. The number 1 option for Qataris is the Parc des Princes, but the Paris City Hall is intransigent in this matter. Can supporters give up their historic ground?

Around Annie Gasnier: Bruno Constant, Carlos Bianchi and Philippe Doucet. Technique/production: Laurent Salerno — Coordination: Pierre Guérin.
