The Church still refuses women deacons and recognizes “a machismo that remains strong”

The Church still refuses women deacons and recognizes a machismo

The preparatory document for the next synod, which will take place at the Vatican in October, proposes giving women more responsibility in the life and decisions of the Church, but for the time being rejects the idea that women could be ordained. The institution considers that “theTheological reflection must continue “.

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The working document for the next synod is based on an observation: we must rethink the way in which decisions are made in the Church by allowing the faithful greater participation, and women in particular, summarizes our correspondent in the Vatican, Eric Senanque. “ The presence of machismo remains strong ” in some local Churches, recognizes the document, which thus asks that women can have better access to ” positions of responsibility ” in dioceses for example or in seminary training.

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But no progress will be made, at least not for the moment, regarding the ordination of women deacons. A subject that has been the subject of two study commissions for eight years, at the request of the Pope Francis. Since his election in 2013, the Bishop of Rome has worked to reform the governance of the Church, which he wants to be less pyramidal and closer to the 1.3 billion faithful. After two years of discussions in parishes around the world, a first General Assembly of Bishops will meet in October 2023 at Vatican made it possible to establish, in a “summary report”, a list of themes which will be debated again during a second session from October 2 to 27.

“Theological reflection must continue”

The works ” highlighted the need to better promote (…) the role of women in all stages of ecclesial life “, indicates a text published Tuesday, July 9 by the Vatican. The bishops suggest that the next session of the synod “ promotes awareness and encourages their (women’s participation) further development ” within the institutions of the Church, including in “ pastoral responsibilities ” or in ” other ministerial and pastoral forms “.

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And yet, there is still no question of ordaining women deacons. Some local churches are calling for women to be admitted to the diaconate, while others are firmly opposed to it. ” notes the preparatory document. The question will therefore not be on the agenda of the October assembly. “ Theological reflection must continue ” the document argues. Last May, in an interview with the American channel CBS, Pope Francis had clearly closed the door to the idea of ​​ordaining women deacons. The Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith announced last Tuesday that it was also preparing a document on the responsibilities of women in the Church.
