The chocolate king’s million salary – that’s how much Cloetta’s CEO earns

Being chocolate king and sitting at the top of one of Sweden’s leading candy manufacturers can be profitable, not least for Cloetta’s CEO, Henri de Sauvage-Nolting.

On February 15, 2017, the new manager took up the post at the chocolate giant Cloetta. Since then, the successes have followed each other and after the corona pandemic, the company has managed to increase turnover considerably.

What is the difference between Sports Lunch and Biscuit Chocolate? You can read the answer to that here

Millions rain over Cloetta’s CEO

In 2022, Cloetta had a turnover of SEK 6.8 billion. During the same period, assets were measured at SEK 10.3 billion, according to data from All companies.

There is also no need for the company’s CEO. According to Tax Agency’s latest data from 2021, which News24 took part, de Sauvage-Nolting had an earned earned income of a whopping 5,687,700. This means that he had an average monthly salary of an incredible 473,975 kroner. In addition to this, they also had a reported surplus of capital of SEK 298,239.

Here you can read about the differences between Cloetta’s Plopp and Center chocolate
