The children’s alarm to Bris about gang crime increasing

Bris received over 51,000 support calls last year from children, which is an increase of 16 percent compared to the year before, according to the children’s rights organization’s annual children’s report. Mainly it is conversations about crime that have increased.

In total, the increase is 60 percent between 2022 and 2023, from 325 to 520 calls. Since 2020, that type of call has increased by as much as 150 percent. The children testify that they are either influenced or drawn into gang crime. They want to drop out and are afraid for their own lives and those of their relatives.

“Am 16 and in debt to criminals”

This is what two children who contacted the children’s rights organization say:

– I’m 16 and in debt to criminals and I don’t know what to do. I don’t have a job or anything so have no idea where to get the money. I do not believe that the authorities or the police can help me as the criminals have more power.

– I’ve done things since I was 12 for some older people in a gang, but then a few weeks ago they beat me up because I didn’t want to do one thing they wanted me to do. After that I wanted to get away from everything because I understand that they are taking advantage of me just because I don’t get the same punishment.

According to Bris, many of the children who are lured, tricked or forced into crime, more often than others grow up vulnerable and testify to mental illness, abuse or violence. They can do everything from services, storing things, selling drugs to committing violent crimes, burglaries and even murder.

Sports should help young people

In order for the children not to choose the gangs, the preventive work with early interventions is absolutely crucial, according to Bris. Where actors such as schools, preschools, social services and Bup are given the right conditions. But it is also important to join hands with civil society, believes Petra Jacob, founder of the school sports association Lebi Skol IF in Södertälje.

– I witness so much good power, so many children who want more. There is so much potential and it gives me strength and hope. Because it is only a fraction that ends up crooked. We must not forget that.

Lebi Skol IF has been around for four years and has since worked actively to get young people to choose sports instead of gangs.

– The sports movement is so powerful that we can include many children and create a community where everyone can belong, belong and meet good role models. It is very important. Today, unfortunately, there are too many children and young people who are without associations, who lack safe platforms to stand on after school hours, says Petra Jacob.
