The child idol Alexander Hermansson about his time as a bully

He is an idol to many children, but growing up he was not the kind Alex he made himself known as on television.
In Nyhetsmorgon, he reveals his dark secret – he was a bully.
– It is so easy to accidentally hurt each other. It feels very important to be able to tell that to children, because they listen to me.

Alexander Hermansson broke through in the extreme sports and entertainment group Rackartygarna on YouTube and to all of Sweden’s children he is known from SVT, where he participated in Sommarlov and Kokobäng, among other things.

Want to make the bullies stop bullying

He is very popular with the children’s audience, but what many people don’t know is that as a child he himself teased others – he was one of the school’s bullies.

– I had a cocky and rude attitude. There were a lot of sighs, stares, ostracisms, teasing nicknames and such to push down.

Now he will settle his story and go around lecturing to stop the bullying. He says he wants to use the trust capital he has with children for something good.

– This is a golden opportunity – I have to contribute and make a difference. The meanness only gets worse and creeps down with the ages. I can’t just stand and watch – I have to go in and contribute, he says in Nyhetsmorgon.

Bullied to protect himself

He says that he started bullying early, already at the end of elementary school or the beginning of middle school, and continued right up to high school. He was part of a gang that bullied and believes that it was a way for him to protect himself.

– I felt that there were reasons for others to tease me – I went to gymnastics and not football and hockey like boys did back then. It started teasing me and then I felt that I had to be tough, otherwise I would be teased. And on that road it was.

Lecturing about bullying is his new project. Alexander Hermansson has resigned from SVT, but says that he will certainly continue to appear in children’s programs sometimes.

– I’m mixing it up a bit to focus on this, because it’s so important. But it’s probably not the last time I make children’s programs, no!

This is where you can turn if you are being bullied:

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Yesterday 11:18

Alex resigns to lecture on bullying – from the perspective of the bully
