The chief doctor warns of a shortage of Antabuse: Risk of relapse

The drug is used as a withdrawal agent in case of alcohol abuse. According to the Swedish Medicines Agency, the shortage may be due to the fact that the pharmaceutical chain is complex and there is therefore much that affects access. But the fact that there is now a shortage of Antabuse around the country can have consequences.

– If you suddenly cannot get your medicine, it can become an excuse to drink instead. This means that patients can relapse into alcohol consumption and it is very sad for both patients and relatives, says Niklas Preger, senior physician at the addiction center in Stockholm.

Those taking Antabuse may feel ill, become nauseous and may even vomit if alcohol is consumed in conjunction with the drug.

– It is a very good medicine if you have excessive consumption of alcohol. A bit like getting hungover, but much worse, you could say, says the senior doctor.


The regions around the country have the opportunity to order in other variants of the drug, but due to long processing times during the summer, it may take time for the pharmacies to get them. Mainly smaller towns are affected by the shortage.

– Here at the addiction center in Stockholm, we have applied for a license for preparations so that you can often get it anyway, says Niklas Preger and continues:

– But if you have to get it on prescription, it can be difficult to get it from pharmacies. Especially in smaller towns in Sweden when you have to order and it takes time and is complicated. It is unfortunate and then you stand there as a doctor powerless to not be able to help your patient.

Alternative solutions

Ebba Hallberg, investigator at the Medical Products Agency, says that they are working to solve the problem.

– The Swedish Medicines Agency’s mission is to protect patient safety and public health in Sweden, so we try to find alternative solutions to residual situations. It can sometimes happen that you are allowed to switch to another medicine for a period.

The chief physician believes that the other options do not always work as well.

– You don’t get as effective as Antabuse from other preparations, says Niklas Preger and continues:

– But if there is no Antabuse at all, you have to think in terms of taking some other drug. Or you have to try other methods to stay sober. The Swedish Medicines Agency collaborates with various drug manufacturers and we simply have to get Antabuse back on the shelves so that people can buy it and that the healthcare system can share the medicine.
