The chef sees several advantages in letting the school students prepare the food

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– It’s wonderful to have the children in the kitchen, says chef Bo Laursen.

A year ago, Södra School in Falun started with students in the fifth grade having to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions of meals and then choose which dish they wanted to cook themselves.

– They can come up with slightly strange recipes precisely because they have calculated what is climate-friendly, but then it turns out well, so we also learn a lot.

“Good that they see how the food is made”

According to Bo Laursen, it has not become more expensive for the kitchen to let the children choose what is right, and there has also been good cooperation between the school’s staff and the kitchen.

– It is also good that the children can see how the food is made.

The staff sees several advantages in letting the school pupils prepare the lunch – see more in the video
