The Chechen army is going to the Ukrainian border! Photograph before the attack

The Chechen army is going to the Ukrainian border Photograph

The leader of the Chechen Republic, Mohammed Kadyrov, is sending the Chechnya army to the Ukrainian border to support the military action of the Russian army. Kadyrov, chanting slogans in front of the soldiers going to Ukraine, called for “Zelensky to call Putin and apologize”.


On the orders of President Putin, the Russian army started to enter Ukraine yesterday morning. While the Russian army takes critical areas belonging to the Ukrainian army with the separatist groups it officially recognizes, military shipments from Russia to Ukraine continue.


The leader of Chechnya, Mohammad Kadyrov, who is known for his loyalty to Russia, started to send the Chechnya army to the Ukrainian border to support the military action of the Russian army. Making a speech in front of the soldiers gathered in the square, Kadyrov chanted “Zelensky should call Putin and apologize”. The images of the army praying and praying before the attack drew attention.



After the Square events in Ukraine in 2014, a pro-Western government came to power and President Viktor Yanukovych fled the country. Russia illegally annexed Crimea. In Ukraine, separatists declared so-called governments in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where the population of Russian ethnic origin is densely populated. Bloody clashes took place between the separatist forces supported by Russia and the Ukrainian army. Minsk Agreements were signed in 2014 and 2015, with the involvement of Western powers in Moscow. However, ceasefire violations continued. As of February, approximately 14 thousand people lost their lives in the conflicts.

Russia has come to the fore by starting to deploy tens of thousands of troops on its border with Ukraine in late 2021. While the US reiterated that Russia was preparing to invade, Russia denied it. While the western countries threatened Russia with sanctions, the Moscow administration recognized the separatist governments in the Donbas and launched a military operation on the territory of Ukraine on February 24.

Russian leader Vladimir Putin called on the Ukrainian army to lay down arms, arguing that their aim is “to protect the people who were subjected to genocide by Kiev, to rid Ukraine of Nazism and militarism.”
