The chanterelles are already here: “The magic word is rain”

First came the drought, then the rain. Large parts of the country have seen heavy downpours in the past week – which has been the starting point for this year’s chanterelle season.

According to mushroom consultant Rut Folke, the chanterelles have already started to appear in Swedish forests. But she doesn’t think that they come already at the beginning of July is really unusual.

– It is rather the opposite. The chanterelles usually start to appear already at midsummer, she says.

After rain comes mushrooms

It is above all around Stockholm and Uppsala that the chanterelles have begun to be seen, but also on the west coast and in Halland.

– The magic word is rain. We need rainfall that really penetrates the ground. It is not enough with a shower, but a refill is needed for mushrooms to come.

According to Rut Folke, it is not only the chanterelles that have benefited from the summer’s unpredictable weather.

– A warm, dry period followed by rain usually leads to a good Karl Johan year. So we’re keeping our fingers crossed for that.

How will autumn be?

It is still difficult to predict how the autumn will turn out, says Rut Folke. But to have a really good mushroom year, even more rain is required.

– Heat and precipitation, those are the two keys. And as I said, there must be regular rain, that is the very best. But it can come at night, so those who enjoy the sun also get their share of the summer.

But where do you find the chanterelles? Hear the mushroom consultant’s tips in the video above!
