the challenges of this state visit – L’Express

the challenges of this state visit – LExpress

While the Sages dissect the immigration law this Thursday, January 25, and the anger of farmers continues, Emmanuel Macron has arrived in India. The French president began a two-day state visit, full of pomp and emblematic of the strategic partnership developed by the two countries. Welcomed on a red carpet with an elephant parade, the head of state landed early in the afternoon at Jaipur airport, regional capital of the state of Rajasthan, 200 kilometers south of New Delhi .

The French head of state is the guest of honor of Narendra Modi for the celebration of the Indian Constitution, which came into force on January 26, 1950, two years after independence.

To accompany him, many CEOs of large companies and a few ministers: the Minister of Culture Rachida Dati, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Stéphane Séjourné. The Minister of the Armed Forces Sébastien Lecornu is also there.

Economic relations and military industry

“This trip will make it possible to consolidate and deepen Franco-Indian diplomatic and economic relations and to strengthen links between civil societies,” welcomes the French presidency, which made the Indian Prime Minister its guest of honor during the ceremony. from July 14th.

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A two-day visit, during which Emmanuel Macron will try to boost economic and military cooperation between Paris and New Delhi. Negotiations relating to the sale of 26 new Rafale aircraft are still underway. Dassault Aviation CEO Eric Trappier made the trip. With in mind, the desire to establish a partnership established last year, when the Indian government ordered 36 Rafale combat aircraft from the Dassault group.

The nuclear issue will also be on the table. The French head of state, together with EDF boss Luc Rémont, hopes to finalize an agreement on the construction of six EPR nuclear reactors in India. A project carried out by the French electricity giant for around fifteen years, which has never yet come to fruition.

pomp and symbolism, against a backdrop of international crises

But what would official visits be without the pomp and symbolic demonstrations? Emmanuel Macron will therefore not escape it. And in this regard, his program promises to be busy. On the menu, meeting with artists and young Indians in the Amber Fort upon arrival in Jaipur, the capital of the state of Rajasthan.

The French president will follow up with a car parade through the pink city accompanied by the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi. At the end of the day, the two men will have dinner together alone in a former royal residence transformed into a palace. An intimate sequence during which the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the war in the Middle East will be at the heart of the discussions.

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This Thursday, a visit to the Yantra Mandir astronomical observatory, installed in the 18th century by the Jesuits, is also planned. With another guest of honor. French astronaut Thomas Pesquet. Symbolic illustration of bilateral cooperation in the space sector, satellites and human flights.

Before returning to Paris, Emmanuel Macron will stopover in New Delhi on Friday January 26. In the program ? Large military parade to the sound of 21 cannon shots. With the spotlight on French military power. The parade of a contingent of 150 legionnaires as well as two Rafale fighters and a French tanker plane. All mixed with Indian tank regiments and camel cavalry.
