the challenges of his visit to Central Asia – L’Express

the challenges of his visit to Central Asia – LExpress

After a sequence of internal politics with the inauguration of the Cité internationale de la langue française in Villers-Cotterêts this Monday, October 30, Emmanuel Macron returns to foreign affairs. The French president is flying this Wednesday, November 1 to Central Asia.

Thirty years after François Mitterrand’s first visit, the French president is preparing to visit two former Soviet republics. After a stopover in Kazakhstan, which on Saturday experienced the most serious mining accident since its independence in 1991, Emmanuel Macron is expected in Uzbekistan, this country of 35 million inhabitants which is trying to emerge on the international scene after 25 years of isolation.

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Establish the French and European presence

Announced at the start of the week, this tour is under the sign of clearly stated objectives: to participate in the “diversification” of the strategic and economic links of these two actors, and to strengthen Europe’s presence in the region, through the signing of contracts in particular.

“For us, the challenge is to continue to be present in this area that we have known and worked for a long time”, alongside the European Union (EU) and “our American partners”, eludes the Elysée.

Countering Turkish and Chinese influence

Especially since at a time when China and Turkey are gaining ground in a region hitherto dominated by Russia, the issues are multiple. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who maintains close ties with his Kazakh counterpart Kassym-Jomart Tokaïev, is expected in Astana this Friday, November 3. That is less than forty-eight hours after Emmanuel Macron’s visit.

Accompanied by his Minister of Industry and Foreign Trade, as well as around fifteen business leaders including the CEOs of EDF, Suez and Orano, the French head of state knows that he will have to redouble his efforts. efforts to secure promised contracts in the key sectors of energy, water, urban transport and even aeronautics.

The energy transition at the heart of discussions

But the executive wants to be confident. World heavyweight in civil nuclear power, France is in the running to participate in the project for the first nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan, the construction of which must be decided by referendum by the end of the year.

During this tour in an area rich in rare metals, the question of energy transition is among the issues on the table. The Bureau of Geological and Mining Research (BRGM) is notably part of the trip. Especially since the subject had figured prominently during the visit of Kazakh presidents Kassym-Jomart Tokaïev and Uzbek Chavkat Mirzioïev to Paris in November 2022, as noted by the Elysée.

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In addition, the uranium specialist Orano intends to develop its activities in Kazakhstan, where it already operates a mine. And aims to make Uzbekistan one of its main suppliers, at a time when Niger is becoming more unpredictable after a coup in July.

Anticipating criticism of the authoritarian nature of the countries with which France is preparing to conclude a series of contracts, the president’s entourage wants to believe that “there is still a very clear difference, a dynamic of reforms, a opening to the world. And to ensure that the question of the rule of law will be addressed during the visit to Samarkand, an Uzbek architectural jewel.
