the ceremony will be shortened following the returns of the year

the ceremony will be shortened following the returns of the

In a few days, the entire video game industry will have its sights set on the Game Awards, the annual ceremony which awards the best video games of the year in several categories. As usual, Geoff Keighley will host the show, the time of which will be shortened following the returns from last year. With a 3-hour show, to which the 45 min pre-show had to be added, the Game Awards 2021 were singled out for many people who found the ceremony tiring over the length. This is all the more true for European countries which have to attend the spectacle in the middle of the night. Geoff Keighley heard the reproaches and therefore decided to reduce his live broadcast on the Internet.

One thing we’re going to do this year is try to shorten the show a bit. I won’t say anything officially until we’re done with our rehearsals, but we think the show will be a lot. We think there was a bit of fatigue with the length of the show. There are a lot of games and a lot of people who want to be part of them, but we’ve decided to cut it all down to hopefully make the show a little more digestible. By reducing the length of the program quite significantly, you have to understand that there will be fewer games, fewer AAAs that will be shown during the show.

The Game Awards

Geoff Keighley took the opportunity to announce on Reddit that the Game Awards 2022 would include between 30 and 40 games, confirming that we can count on new announcements, but also updates on already known titles. It is recalled that the Game Awards 2021 made it possible to reveal the existence of titles such as Wonder Woman, Star Wars Eclipse from Quantic Dream and Alan Wake 2 which have remained discreet since. Last year’s pre-show spotlighted 13 games, while the main show featured 43. This year, Geoff Keighley that the pre-show was renamed “Opening Act”, and qu expect “huge announcements”. Among the big games that have been confirmed for these Game Awards 2022, there is Tekken 8, the rumored Crash Bandicoot Wumpa League, since many press kits have been sent to the press and influencers. If Ed Boon has confirmed that there will be no announcement regarding the next Mortal Kombat, Electronic Arts seems however likely to unveil new images of Star Wars Jedi Survivor, since the banners of its social networks have been updated.

The Game Awards 2022 will be held on the night of Thursday December 8 to Friday December 9, 2022.
