The CEO of a healthcare company is sentenced to prison – defrauded the city of Västerås out of millions

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The woman is sentenced for having reported 4,500 hours of housing support through her company for a compensation of almost two million kroner, even though the support has not been carried out.

The district court has, among other things, based its assessment on witness statements from employees that they did not work even though housing support was registered as performed by them. The crimes are classified as serious fraud because they have occurred systematically, have been difficult to detect and are aimed at the welfare system.

The woman is sentenced to prison against her refusal. She must also pay damages to the city of Västerås in the amount of SEK 1.9 million and will also be banned from business for five years. The company Aros Stödgrupp was also sentenced to a corporate fine of one million kroner.

In April, it emerged that the housing support company was suspected of fraud:

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