The center opens for more nuclear power

The center opens for more nuclear power

Updated 14:30 | Published at 2:26 p.m

The Center Party has put together a new energy policy program which means an opening for more nuclear power in Sweden.

The issue was debated for a long time during the party meeting in Örebro, where the nuclear critics were defeated.

At the same time, the party is turning again on the issue of allowing reactors to be built in more locations in Sweden.

– We are not blocking nuclear power, says C-top Martin Ådahl.

The Center Party has adopted a new energy policy program at the party’s meeting in Örebro.

In summary, the program means a continuation of the shift that Maud Olofsson started back in 2009, which meant that all types of power must stand on their own two feet – and that nuclear power must therefore also be allowed to continue.

Fourteen years later, the party now decides that it stands behind the government’s and the Sweden Democrats’ new energy goal of 100 percent fossil-free energy production by 2040. This means that nuclear power has a continued central role to play.

In addition, the party wants the state to be responsible for the financing of connections to large fossil-free production sources of electricity.

full screen Martin Ådahl. Photo: Magnus Sandberg

Will not subsidize nuclear power

According to the Center Party’s economic policy spokesperson Martin Ådahl, who has led the work to anchor the new policy in the party, this means that any new reactors must have the connection cost paid by the state.

– We do not block nuclear power, but at the same time we say that we will not supersubsidize nuclear power. We will not tolerate that just because you cannot compete with wind or solar power, you have to subsidize nuclear power, he says.

More reactors – but not in more locations

The party now also stands behind the view that more reactors should be allowed to be built in Sweden. The current limitation of ten reactors must therefore be removed.

On the other hand, the Center Party is not prepared to vote for the government’s upcoming proposal that reactors should be built in more locations.

The restriction right now is that reactors may only be built where there have already been reactors.

Not allowing more places for reactors is a different message than what Center leader Muharrem Demirok previously said he wants to see.

But when Energy Minister Ebba Busch (KD) soon presents the bill about it before the Riksdag, the Center Party will thus push the red button.

– It is done so that we will vote no and then we are forced to do it. But it is very unnecessary, when there is so much we can do. It is the government’s job to make sure that opportunities are lost instead of going somewhere else that is not relevant just to bring about a confrontation, says Martin Ådahl.

full screen Martin Ådahl and Muharrem Demirok. Photo: Magnus Sandberg

“Win both for the climate and climate policy”

The centre’s MEP Emma Wiesner, who was voted into the party board at the meeting in Örebro, has for several years tried to get the party to open up to more nuclear power. She is very satisfied after the vote on the new energy program.

– This is a win for both the climate and climate policy.

However, Emma Wiesner would have liked to see the party go further and also allow nuclear reactors to be built in more places.

– You have to understand that the Center Party has a long history where the nuclear power issue is very emotional. Many joined the Center Party based on an opposition to nuclear power.

– I stand behind the compromise, but it’s no secret that I would have liked to see a totally technology-neutral stance and we have no space limit for other types of energy.

The center wants the nuclear power producers to set aside more money for the management of spent nuclear waste. The party also states that nuclear power must not be subsidized under any circumstances.

fullscreenEmma Wiesner. Photo: Magnus Sandberg

Heated debate during the meeting

The debate on nuclear power during the meeting was somewhat heated, where mainly an older generation of centrists chose to oppose the openings for new nuclear power.

– It is not possible to be technology neutral. The goal of a completely renewable energy system should be fixed, said center party Håkan Larsson from Jämtland.

But the party leadership still managed to get through a large part of the policy that they now want to pursue. The oldest member of the party board, Christer Jonsson, downplayed the role of nuclear power, despite the opportunities the party now gives it, with the argument that nuclear power cannot be built on economic grounds.

– We believed in sun, wind and water. This program believes in sun, wind and water. Those who believe in nuclear power get a chance to prove themselves by saying we can do this on the market’s terms.

– So far they have not managed. They won’t make it tomorrow either. They won’t stand a chance.

full screen Photo: Magnus Sandberg
