the Ceni welcomes the support of the Catholic Church for the next elections

The Independent National Electoral Commission (Ceni) has confirmed the start of voter registration for the western part of the country for this Saturday, December 24. Less than a week before the launch of these operations, which will only last a month, the electoral center is working hard to reach potential voters. For this, it intends to rely on the Catholic Church, which had denounced the procedure for appointing the current leaders of the Ceni.

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Patient Ligodi

Didi Manara, second vice-president of the Ceni, did not hide his joy at the end of the meeting with the leaders of the Catholic Church. ” The Catholic Church, if she abandoned us, it would be a disaster. It is a great day for us, for the Church and for the central electoral office, to have the assurance of the Catholic Church in relation to voter awareness. We are very happy “, he explains.

“Be determined to go vote and protect your vote”

According to the Church, the sensitization must insist on elements allowing to regain the confidence of the public. Monsignor Donatien N’shole is secretary general of the Episcopal Conference of Congo. ” On the Ceni side, there are several things that have been taken into account in the new process. It should be recalled, in particular, the commitment of the Ceni to publish the results polling station by polling station. It can reassure the people so that they realize that it will not be like the times past. “.

For Cenco, it is necessary to show the people that they have the final decision on the outcome of the elections. ” It is enough for him to realize that he is the sovereign people, that he is even above the Constitutional Court. Being determined to vote and protect your vote is possible. I take this opportunity to tell the Congolese people that there is reason to trust the process, that there is reason to go to the elections, with the disposition to defend their vote. It’s possible adds Mr. N’shole.

The Church has always been at the heart of the electoral process in the DRC. In 2018, it claimed 40,000 observers deployed across the country.
